Archive | February, 2013


18 Feb

I’m a beer lover. More exactly, I’m one of the thousands, or millions, of people who love beer, who think that beer is the best beverage of the world and who think that talking about beer is a great pleasure, just after drinking it. This is what I am, but also I could say what I am not: I’m not a beer expert, I’m not a critic, I’m not a soumillier, I’m neither a homebrewer (I’m not patient enough, and I think that most of the people would brew better than me, so I prefer that the work was done by them). I just talk about my preferences and my opinions, which are just opinions: I’m sure that, in life, there are too few absolute truths, and beer is not one of them. And, of course, there are two groups of beer blogs: beer blogs better than this one, and beer blogs much better than this one.

I like everything related to beers, but specially, I love the fact that the beer is one of the very little fields where the so-called globalization hasn’t come. I can buy a Chinese book or a Nigerian mask or Garam Masala and I’ll have it at home in 48 hours. But probably, in my whole life, I’ll never taste a Dark Lord or a Pliny The Younger. There are a lot of great beers with very little supply, surrounded by mystery and magic, becoming almost legends, and it allows you to have a dream that, for sure, will be with you the rest of your life. There are very little things of you can tell the same.

Why this blog? I have another blog in Spanish –with a very little success, by the way- but Spain is a newcomer in beer and I like English language, so I thought that I could open a new blog in English. As you may know –and if not, I tell you-, Spanish education system is pathetic, but specially in languages. So I learnt English listening to Smiths, reading to Jack Kerouac and watching videoclips, so the first I must do is beg your excuses for my English. I try to improve it in several ways, but I guess that the texts can give the impression of an American illiterate speaking a British pseudolanguage. Sorry for that.

As I told before, I can’t –nor want- give lessons about beer tastings, history, chemistry, water, agriculture, packaging, serving or brewing (but I’d like to be taught!). I hope that this blog became a place where some people meet to talk about a common hobby and some more topics: I’m convinced of beer is the best excuse to talk about life and death. I like beer, but I like more other things, too: music, sunny but cold days, handwriting, Maths, my beloved bullmastiff Ursula, laughing, American Noir, talk with my wife, interesting people, board games, sleep, small towns, History, cooking, animals and holidays. On the opposite, I hate: politicians, lack of punctuality, bad-mannered people, São Paulo, Spanish politicians, apparent hippies who dressed in Armani, maltreatment to persons or animals, ignorance, Discos, absence of principles, people who boast about not reading, rain, phone talks and MTV. And Spanish politics (this is a mix of hating and loathing). And people who defend these despicable, repugnant and useless bunch of rogues who are our politicians.

To finish, is very usual to talk about pairings in beer: a witbier for mussels or a rauchbier for roasted pork. I think that, from the moment you are talking about senses, you can combine beer with food, of course, but, Why not with a landscape or music? Well, that is what I’ll try to do, pairings with music: you could check how some beers taste different if you drink them listening to Fugazi, Mando Diao or James. I can assure you! In the end, it’s just a state of mind, and everyone of us are constantly looking for the peace, calm or happiness. I hope we can do it together, and, I hope this blog was a little place to do it.  

Thank you all and, of course, you’re welcome.

PD: The beginnings are always hard, so this site will be adding new sections, posts, etc., as fast as I could. Please be patient (and I’ll reward you ;-)!